Milestones in the Ten Percent Happier App

Milestones are a way to celebrate your accomplishments — meditating days or weeks in a row (also known as a streak), completing meditation sessions, and using various parts of the app. If you like to see how you're progressing with your mindfulness meditation practice, Milestones is a fun way to do that! We know it can be hard to create and maintain a positive habit and we hope these badges will help.

To check out your Milestones:

  • Tap the Profile icon at the top of the screen.
  • Scroll down below your Last 4 Weeks calendar.
  • Scroll down and up, right and left to see everything.

You'll see streaks by day, week and session as well as other fun parts of the app. And if you hit a new milestone during a meditation session, we'll show you a badge when the session is over. You'll always be able to see all your badges on the Milestones screen. If you're not sure how to find some of these features please check out these additional Help Center articles:

Got more questions? Please email us at so we can help.