World Meditation Week 2024

Welcome to World Meditation Week where you can check out the transformative power of mindfulness in your daily life. Let's meditate together and create a more peaceful world, one breath at a time.

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Table of Contents

Day 1: Intentions. Set your journey's course.

Day 2: Tech Timeout. Unplug, find peace.

Day 3: Mindful Meal. Connect with your food.

Day 4: Listen Up. Deep connections through listening.

Day 5: Mindful Moves. Walk with awareness.

Day 6: Gratitude. Reflect on life's gifts.

Day 7: Simplify. Focus on what matters.

Day 1: Intentions. Set your journey's course.

Setting your intention is like choosing the soundtrack to your journey. What tune will guide and uplift you? Intentions are about anchoring yourself in something that's meaningful to you, your personal 'why' for this week and beyond.

Spend time with yourself.

Start with our unguided timer — let your intention resonate. It's a simple, yet profound way to connect with yourself, no matter how busy the day.

Search the app for the Unguided Timer or open this article on the same phone you use for Ten Percent Happier and tap here, Unguided Timer.

Setting intentions regularly can be an incredibly effective and deeply satisfying tool to map out how you want to live your life. Today's Guided Meditation is Daily Intention Setting with Dawn Mauricio.

Day 2: Tech Timeout. Unplug, find peace.

Dive into digital mindfulness with a challenge to disconnect.

Take an hour, at your peak or relax time, to step away from devices. Turn off notifications, put your phone aside.

This helps sharpen focus on tasks or boosts leisure time enjoyment.

Start with our unguided timer — take a minute to pause with us. Right now, let’s find a bit of quiet making the rest of your day brighter. 

Search the app for the Unguided Timer or open this article on the same phone you use for Ten Percent Happier and tap here, Unguided Timer.

Life's full of distractions. Learn to recognize when distractions come up, avoid getting sidetracked, and increase your ability to focus. Today's Guided Meditation is Dealing with Distractions with Anushka Fernandopulle.

Quote from meditation teacher Matthew Hepburn,

Day 3: Mindful Meal. Connect with your food.

This sensory adventure will season the food you enjoy with mindfulness.

Let's pick one meal today, just one, to eat in total silence. And when you do, try to think about more than the absence of noise.

It's about tasting your food, feeling grateful for it, and maybe finding some new thoughts in the quiet.

Start with our unguided timer — settle in and embrace the silence. This quiet moment is your invitation to be a little more mindful with your mouth full.

Search the app for the Unguided Timer or open this article on the same phone you use for Ten Percent Happier and tap here, Unguided Timer.

Break the pattern of mindless eating by bringing attention to the process. You'll feel more satisfied with less. Today's Guided Meditation is Eating with Alexis Santos.

Quote from meditation teacher Alexis Santos,

Day 4: Listen Up. Deepen connections through listening.

Mindful listening is key to truly connecting and communicating.

In the daily rush, we often listen to reply, not to understand. This is about fully being there for someone, giving them all our attention, free from our own distractions and judgments.

Start with our unguided timer — tune into the usual background noises to hone your skills. When it ends, reflect on how your listening has changed

Search the app for the Unguided Timer or open this article on the same phone you use for Ten Percent Happier and tap here, Unguided Timer.

Hearing what is being said can be a useful springboard for fresh and creative problem solving. Today's Guided Meditation is Listening in an Age of Polarization with Pam Weiss.

Quote from meditation teacher Oren Jay Sofer,

Day 5: Mindful Moves. Walk with awareness.

Mindful walking helps take your practice wherever you go.

This simple practice enhances awareness and connects us more deeply with our own surroundings. Blending movement with awareness makes for a meditative journey.

Start with our unguided timer — focus on your walk's rhythm and its harmony with your breath.

Search the app for the Unguided Timer or open this article on the same phone you use for Ten Percent Happier and tap here, Unguided Timer.

Use the awareness of movement as a way to help feel more connected to the moment. Today's Guided Meditation is Everyday Walking with Sharon Salzberg.

Embrace mindfulness in walking: the joy of being present.

Day 6: Gratitude. Reflect on life's gifts.

Gratitude is much more than just saying thank you.

This transformative practice is a profound way to cultivate joy and improve our mental health. It changes the way we see the world and ourselves.

We're grateful for you!

Start with our unguided timer — take a minute to reflect on what brings you gratitude. Maybe it's the fresh air, a supportive friend, or the peace of just being here reading this.

Search the app for the Unguided Timer or open this article on the same phone you use for Ten Percent Happier and tap here, Unguided Timer.

Studies have shown that people who practice gratitude have less illness and stronger relationships. Today's Guided Meditation is Reflect on Gratitude with Sebene Selassie.

Building resilience: the power of gratitude.

Day 7: Simplify. Focus on what matters.

Simplicity guides us towards a more mindful, fulfilling life.

It's more than just minimalism - it's about asking what you actually need and bringing your attention there. Embracing simplicity is the art of slowing down to focus on what truly matters.

Start with our unguided timer — think about what simplicity means to you and how by reducing the things that aren’t really bringing us joy, we can actually access so much more.

Search the app for the Unguided Timer or open this article on the same phone you use for Ten Percent Happier and tap here, Unguided Timer.

Life is already complicated enough, so meditation doesn’t have to be. Today's Guided Meditation is Be Simple & Easy with Joseph Goldstein.

Rediscovering simplicity: freeing ourselves from complexity and conditioning.